Android Download

How to…

1. Click the above link. (Make sure you do not use Google Chrome. Use the standard browser for Android) Or go to and click on “Android” >> “Download”

2. Your device will ask you if you want to download the .apk because it can harm your device. It will not, click “Download”

3. Next your device will ask you to download again with the file size. Click on “Download”

4. It will ask if you want to install this application. Click on “Install”

5. The app will now be installed and an icon for it will be on your Home Screen. Click on “Open”

6. If you want the app to manage your INCOMING CALLS/PHOTO/FILES so that it does not interrupt your game, select “Allow” otherwise select “Deny”

7. Download is complete and VPower app icon should be on your Home Screen.

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